Pre kg
2.5yrs to 3.5 yrs
The first step of formal learning concentrates on socialising. Building creative, artistic senses and early literacy skills, They are introduced to new concepts, letters, sounds, numbers and pattern drawing. They are given lots of hands on experiments to improve their fine and gross motor skills.

Junior kg
3.5yrs to 4.5 yrs
Following with the first step kids will be thought to master in English language and basic mathematics. Kids will be taken through thematic concepts. Writing, Reading and speaking skills are thought across the year at a gradual pace through various proven methods. Reading skill enhanced through phonics. Hindi and Tamil languages are also introduced to them. To make the learning more fun children are thought all of the above through hands – on – activites, stories, crafts and worksheets

Senior kg
4.5 yrs to 5.5 yrs
Our senior kids are ready to go the next step with little more advanced of what they got in the Junior Kg. Senior kg consist of little more detail concepts of maths, reading, language along with blends. Here kids are thought cursive writing as this is one skill each child needs in his/her life which slowly starts from words and then writing sentence too. Hindi and tamil are also taken to next level. Thematic concepts are explained in detail and given hands on activity to make it more interesting for them.